You can now pre-order EXACTLY LIKE LOVE by Alan Walowitz!


We are very happy to announce the publication of Osedax Press’s first poetry chapbook, Exactly Like Love by Alan Walowitz!

Poet and professor Estha Weiner says of the collection, “Because Alan Walowitz is neither withholding nor unnecessarily oblique, his chapbook, Exactly Like Love, is, in fact, ‘The Anatomy of Longing,’ which also happens to be the title of the first poem in this rich, generous collection. And then there’s the welcome wit, as he juggles the sometimes Jewish blues. In deft narratives that never cease to surprise, Walowitz is unafraid to write, ‘We’ve known these people from the ache of having lived.’ In his refusal to claim wisdom, he is wise. And oh, so rare.”

Alan Walowitz has been published various places on the web and off.  He’s a Contributing Editor at Verse-Virtual, an Online Community Journal of Poetry, and teaches at Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY and St. John’s University in his native Queens.  He lives in Long Island, NY, three houses away from the Queens border, with his wife, Jeanette, and daughter, Jamie.

You can now pre-order the chapbook through our online store or via Etsy; copies are $7 each + shipping/handling and will be in the mail around the end of June.

13 thoughts on “You can now pre-order EXACTLY LIKE LOVE by Alan Walowitz!”

    1. Absolutely, Three. I’ll see you on my world-wide tour of the five boroughs and surrounding counties this summer.

    1. If your friends are too sensitive, they might not like the poems. However, if you’re buying several copies, I might come by and read the book to them personally.

  1. It seems like I’m at the end of a long literary line. Well, I’m standing here in line now with my checkbook in hand.

    1. Peter, you can buy several copies–you’ll want one for yourself, your wife, and daughter–right on this page. You can click “our online store” store above to pay using Paypal. Or you can click “Etsy” above to pay using a credit card.

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