Our first poetry chapbook is hot off the presses!


Pre-orders of Alan Walowitz’s Exactly Like Love have shipped and more orders are going out this week! We’re so excited about this chapbook and think it looks amazing — a match for the fantastic poems within.  Copies are only $7 + shipping and handling.  (You can snag a copy on Etsy via credit card, or use your Paypal account on our own order page.)

Poet and professor Estha Weiner says of the collection, “Because Alan Walowitz is neither withholding nor unnecessarily oblique, his chapbook, Exactly Like Love, is, in fact, ‘The Anatomy of Longing,’ which also happens to be the title of the first poem in this rich, generous collection. And then there’s the welcome wit, as he juggles the sometimes Jewish blues. In deft narratives that never cease to surprise, Walowitz is unafraid to write, ‘We’ve known these people from the ache of having lived.’ In his refusal to claim wisdom, he is wise. And oh, so rare.”

Alan Walowitz has been published various places on the web and off.  He’s a Contributing Editor at Verse-Virtual, an Online Community Journal of Poetry, and teaches at Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY and St. John’s University in his native Queens.  He lives in Long Island, NY, three houses away from the Queens border, with his wife, Jeanette, and daughter, Jamie.

Alan reading Exactly Like Love(The author and his chapbook.)


One thought on “Our first poetry chapbook is hot off the presses!”

  1. Thanks for writing your book, “Exactly Like Love”, which is exactly like love…a marvelous and rare feat of writing excellence. I love the yarn-like stories which pull me in usually to a chilling and reverberating finish!

    Though they never feel “happy” or quite sad, each is a multitude of poetic emotion, a journey back and yet always planted firmly in the present/presence of your mind’s keen perceptions.

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